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Diamond Experts

Established in 1979, we have over 40 years of experience within in the jewellery retail and manufacturing industry, and are now proud industry leaders. Our experts have years of experience and training in gemology, diamond grading, settings, and jewellery manufacturing processes, as well as specialist areas of product knowledge. 

Here at British Diamond Company, we have a dedicated team of experts who assess and grade each of our diamonds. We specialise in natural, ethically sourced diamonds and gemstones. Each and every diamond used in our jewellery has been meticulously hand selected by our experts for its exceptional quality, which creates beautiful fire and brilliance. We choose diamonds with exquisite cut, colour, clarity, and carat weight, in order to produce jewellery that sparkles for a lifetime.

If you would like to have one of your own diamonds certified, contact us today. We only work with trusted international diamond laboratories, including the GIA, HRD, and IGI, who are able to provide official diamond reports created by qualified professionals.

Find a dazzling range of certified and non-certified diamond jewellery on our website, including diamond rings, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, cufflinks, and more. Contact our friendly team of jewellery specialists on 01335 453 453 or email for more information and advice on any of our products and services.